vegan weight loss manifesto_darina kopcok photo

Shortly before Christmas, I finally received my copy of Vegan Weight Loss Manifesto: An 8-Week Plan to Change Your Mindset, Lose Weight and Thrive by Zuzana Fajkusova and Nikki Lefler. I had shot the book last autumn–more than a year before it was launched on December 16, 2017 by Page Street Publishing in the US.

Although I’d ordered it on Amazon as soon as it was available, the book was already in stores before I received my copy. It was so exciting to finally hold it in my hands. As a food photographer, I am accustomed to seeing my work on the web and on food packaging, but actually seeing my images in a beautifully printed book is a completely elevated experience and a bit surreal.

This was my first cookbook project, and I couldn’t have asked for a better topic. With its inherent texture and vibrant colour, vegan food makes a wonderful and approachable subject. Lucky me, I also worked with a pair of wonderful authors, who couldn’t have been more amazing to work with. We made a great team, and the result is a book that we could be proud of. I couldn’t have asked for a better experience my first time out photographing a cookbook.

As you may have gleaned from the title, though, the book is much more than just a collection of recipes. Rather, it is a complete program to help you take control of your health and thrive in a world where there is so much confusion and misinformation about what and how we should eat. The recipes are all plant-based and vegan, but there is a lot for you here even if you don’t necessarily subscribe to this lifestyle. Eating more plants benefits everyone, and as the recipient of a great deal of shoot leftovers, I can attest to the deliciousness of the recipes found in the book.

Some of my favourites were the Collard Wraps, the Seedy Crackers, and the Kale Caesar Salad. The Protein Bars and Green Smoothie are already in my snack arsenal, and the Epic Brownies for sure will be the dessert at my next dinner party.

If you already enjoy making healthy recipes, or want to take charge of your health in 2018, a copy of this book would be the perfect start.

In an upcoming post, I will give you a peak behind the scenes and share what goes into shooting a cookbook.

In the meantime, I wish you a happy and prosperous New Year!

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