Most Recent Blog Posts
Mastering Fill Light
Whether you’re a beginner or further along your photography journey, understanding fill light and its application is foundational to your work. Read this post to find out the five essential tips that will transform the way you use light in your images. >>
Racing to the Bottom
If you're shooting as a professional photographer, you might be struggling to make a living. You may be working longer and harder, but are finding yourself unable to increase your income. Or you've...
Why It’s a Shitty Time to Be a Photographer (And What You Can Do About It)
In the last newsletter I sent out to my email list, I said it was a shitty time to be a photographer. Does that sound negative? I guess it does. I'll say it again: it's a shitty time to be a...
The Gear You Need for a Food Photography Business
Starting a photography business can be very expensive. Even the most basic equipment adds up to a startling large amount of money. Although it’s difficult to not give into gear envy, start with the...
How I Got Into Commercial Food Photography
How I got into commercial food photography is a long story. When I first decided I wanted to be a photographer, I was a food blogger—and not a very successful one at that. It became clear to me...
What You Need to Know About Pricing Your Food Photography
Pricing your photography services is a complex topic. It's more than can be addressed in a blog post or two. When I mentor photographers who are trying to break into the field of food photography,...
What I Wish I Knew On My First Photo Shoot
Getting better at photography is a lifelong process. I've had teachers with thirty years in the industry under their belt say things like,"I'm still learning about light." Or "Photography is...
Should You Switch to Capture One Pro?
My guess is that as a food photographer, you’re using Lightroom to edit your images. Or maybe Photoshop is your image processor of choice. When I recently polled participants in my Facebook group,...
Behind the Scenes at a Restaurant Photo Shoot
A lot of food photographers start their careers by photographing for restaurants. Restaurants don't always have the biggest budgets, so they are more open to working with inexperienced...
Why I Still Believe in Stock Photography
If you've followed my writings either here on my column on Expert Photography, you may have read my advice on stock photography. These articles and posts were meant to be a rundown of some of the...
Pricing Your Photography: What Is Your Profit?
In my last post, I talked about knowing your cost of doing business when trying to figure out what to charge for your photography. Today I want to share some more thoughts about pricing your work....
One Thing You Should Know About Pricing Your Food Photography
When you start out in food photography, one of the first things you should figure out is your COB--cost of doing business. Too many photographers are focused on what their competitors are charging...
A Quick Introduction to Strobe Lighting
There are various types of strobe lighting. Strobe is flash photography and it is the standard in the commercial food world. There are various types of strobes as follows: Speedlites Speedlites are...