Most Recent Blog Posts
The Art of Color in Food Photography: How Colors Evoke Emotions
Colors aren’t just visual elements; they hold immense power in evoking emotions, setting moods, and enhancing storytelling in food photography. In this blog post, we’ll dive into the world of color psychology, keep reading to find out how different hues can infuse your food photography compositions with captivating narratives and deeper audience connections.
How to Find Your Food Photography Style
Do you struggle to find your food photography style? One day you're all about dark and moody, the next day hard light is your game. Or maybe you've used a lot of props to create a strong sense of...
Focusing for Better Food Photos
Do you prefer autofocus mode or manual focus? Every food photographer has his or her preference, and some may use a combination of both. There are pros and cons to each type of focus technique....
Why You Should Consider LED Continuous Lights
If you've been wanting to make the transition from shooting food with natural light to artificial light, you should consider continuous lights. Shooting with flash is very different from shooting...
How to Use Mood Boards for Your Food Photography
Have you ever found that you and your client weren't speaking the same language when talking about a shoot? Maybe they told you that wanted a "light and airy" look but the sample images they showed...
My Top Tips for Working with Flash
Learning to use flash for food photography can be challenging but very rewarding. After a couple of years of shooting in natural light, I made the switch to flash when I knew I wanted to work...
How to Prepare for Your First Client Photo Shoot
Your first client photo shoot may be a prospect that is both exciting and terrifying. The key to successful execution is preparation. Whether you're shooting on location or in a studio, pulling off...
My Recipe for Stunning Food Photos
There is a saying in the photographic industry that if you can shoot food, you can shoot anything. Food is a notoriously difficult subject, and mastering the art of food photography is a process...
How to Become a Successful Food Photographer
In some ways, it's never been easier to become a food photographer. Although photography gear continues to be expensive, even entry level DSLRs are sophisticated enough to get you started...
How to Focus for Sharp Macro Food Photos
Macro photography is stunning but it comes with a unique set of challenges. To make beautiful food images with your macro lens, you need to get your subjects in razor-sharp focus. This means...
How to Compose Your Food Photography
Food photography is such a challenge because it involves so many moving parts. You have to worry about lighting, composition, exposure, and the technical elements that are necessary to take a good...
My Tips for Stunning Flatlays
Thanks to Instagram, overhead shots of food have become incredibly popular. This graphic style is great for flattening depth and getting more elements into a frame. Smartphones have very wide...
Tips for Shooting Beverages
As a food photographer, you may often get asked to shoot drinks. But photographing beverages requires a bit of a different skill set from photographing food. Some shooters specialize in this, and...